

シンガポール保健省(MOH)は、3月15日付の発表でSHN(14-day Stay-Home Notice:14日間の自宅待機)に日本が対象になるとした。この新規則は3月16日の23時59分から有効となる。


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Border restrictions

4.Based on this latest situation, the Multi-Ministry Taskforce will put in place additional border restriction measures. From 16 March 2020, 2359 hours, all travellers (including Singapore Residents, Long Term Pass holders, and short-term visitors) entering Singapore with recent travel history to ASEAN countries[2], Japan, Switzerland, or the United Kingdom within the last 14 days will be issued with a 14-day Stay-Home Notice (SHN).

(意訳) 2020年3月16日23時59分よりすべての渡航者(シンガポール市民、超短期の訪問含む)で直近14日間にASEAN諸国および日本、スイスならびに英国を訪問している場合は、SHNが義務付けられる。


ASEAN countries besides Singapore: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam.

(意訳) ASEANはシンガポールに加えて、ブルネイ、カンボジア、インドネシア、ラオス、マレーシア、ミャンマー、フィリピン、タイ、ベトナム。


Travel advisory

11.With immediate effect, Singaporeans are advised to defer all non-essential travel abroad. This advisory will apply for 30 days, and will be reviewed thereafter. This is to reduce the risk of Singaporeans contracting COVID-19 infection while overseas during this global pandemic.


Travel History in the last 14-days in Countries/Regions

For Singapore Residents and Long-Term Pass Holders

For Short-Term Visitors

Hubei province (mainland China)

14-day quarantine

Not allowed entry or transit

Mainland China (except Hubei province), France, Germany, Italy, Iran, Republic of Korea, and Spain

14-day SHN

Not allowed entry or transit

[New] ASEAN countries


14-day SHN

14-day SHN

Short-term visitors who are ASEAN nationals will also be required to submit requisite health information for approval before travelling

[New] Japan, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom

14-day SHN

14-day SHN


